• 28 Aug 2008 /  Rants No Comments

    Alright, the title of this post doesn’t actually relate to the contents, but it was the phrase that triggered the following horrific series of events.

    Apparently, some lucky students in some lucky schools had the pleasure to experience what it’s like in the inside of a cow’s stomach. You see it seems that someone thought it would be a good idea to cut a giant hole in a cow and stick a porthole in it. Someone (it may have been the same person, or not) thought students would learn a lot by sticking their hands in those holes to feel around inside said cows. I had never heard of such a thing, not sure how I managed to avoid it, but that’s neither here nor there.

    If you will direct your attention to this site you will see some evidence of this practice. According to them, the cows don’t seem to mind when you poke around inside their digestive system. There is even a student’s account of what’s in there. It includes descriptives like “warm peanutbutter with grass mixed in” and “the constistency of a melting Wendy’s frosty”. Lovely.

    This kicker here is those weird little shadow puppet animations that are on the page. One of them discusses some poor bloke name Tom. It seems Tom made an error when he was 9 and rapidly ingested some very hot chowder. This destroyed his throat, so the doctors cut a hole, um… I mean, fistula, in his stomach. From that point on Tom’s form of sustenance required him to “chew his food and spit into a funnel directly into his stomach”, Yum!

    Enjoy clicking around other links behind those shadow puppets. It’s an art piece about the Tom Thumb story with interleaved fairy tails, recipes and medical facts.


    Posted by Mike @ 6:45 pm

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