• 16 Jul 2008 /  Rants, Work

    I just decided, while sitting on the second conference call about the 3rd reorganization that I’ve enjoyed so far this year, that if I could have any superpower, I would choose the ability to magically summon Al Pacino into any situation.

    I’d close my eyes, concentrate, and in a puff of smoke he’d arrive. He’d start dealing out “HoooAhhh!”s, “You’re out of order”s, unrefuseable offers, and generally being Pacino like. It would be so useful on a daily basis. Just think of the inane situations you end up in every day that could be fixed (or at least made more entertaining) by a dose of Pacino. The possibilities are staggering.

    Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to be content with my heat-vision.

  • 11 Jul 2008 /  Motorcycling

    This is the first in a series of short posts about why I ride. Just the little things that make it enjoyable and worthwhile.

    One of the things I’ve noticed is that smells are immediate and powerful. When you’re in a car, you might pass a guy grilling steaks and 30 seconds later a little bit of the aroma sneaks through the vents. On the bike, it all happens much faster. I’ll smell the freshly cut grass from the person mowing before I pass them. I’ll get a hint of those burgers on the grill with enough warning to slow down and pull in the driveway and pretend that I know them.

    Of course, this is a double edged sword, I’ll also smell that skunk and the garbage truck in front of me, but you take the good with the bad.

